Wednesday, March 28, 2012

FAQ #2: Why don’t you seal your wet bags?

I hate answering this question…such a sticky situation.

Let me start with the first reason: I don’t have a sealing machine!

When I decided that this “hobby” of mine would be a little more long-term that originally thought I had to make some decisions about what kinds of things I was willing to invest in. The first thing that came to mind was: should I get a sealing machine? The price is affordable and perhaps it would create a better product for my customers?

After some thought I decided this was not an investment I wanted to make. Here are some reasons why (please note these are based on my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of others):

1) A bag with sealed seams is not more effective than a bag without sealed seams.
Let’s be honest, unless you are rinsing your diapers with a diaper sprayer or dunking them in the toilet, the natural moisture of a wet diaper is not going to leak through a wet bag without sealed seams. If you are dunking your diapers or rinsing them than you might want to consider a wet bag system designed for this type of moisture (pail liner in a plastic pail would be ideal).

2) If I decided to make wet bags with sealed seams I’d have to totally redesign my wet bags.
EEK! This is totally overwhelming for me. Not to mention I couldn’t think of a way to do this without having an ugly topstitch along one side of the bag. No thanks!

3) One of the largest manufacturers of wet bags claims to have a patent pending on the sealing process.
Do they really have a patent pending? Some claim they do not. See the link below:
Because this is a pretty ugly dispute, I choose not to get involved. It isn’t worth my time or energy to get involved in something which may or may not be “patent pending”.

Wow, I’m already feeling uneasy about this post. I hope that this is a sufficient answer to the question and that I haven’t offended anyone in the process of justifying my decision!

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